아름다운 그림

[스크랩] 청순한 누드미녀^^Vladislav Nagornov

청산노을 2014. 4. 30. 12:02
Vladislav Nagornov

01- Devant le miroir (532x700, 369Kb)

02-  Devant le miroir (495x700, 306Kb)

26 (550x620, 196Kb)

05-Les charmes de la jeunesse (700x490, 171Kb)

07- La parisienne (500x671, 242Kb)

09-  La parisienne A (500x671, 206Kb)

08- Les joies du jardinage A (450x640, 205Kb)

20-Odalisque (700x437, 181Kb)

04- At the dressing table (500x636, 196Kb)

15-Reflections in the mirror (472x700, 217Kb)

12- Lace negligee (455x585, 154Kb)

03- Douce matinee (423x700, 176Kb)

16-Reflections in the mirror (400x649, 39Kb)

10- Nu sur fond rose A (700x409, 255Kb)

13-Nude in the bedroom OR (455x700, 229Kb)

14- Nude seated on the bed (500x682, 200Kb)

06-  Modele  a l'atelier (557x700, 355Kb)

22-Young girl with medallion (492x700, 152Kb)

17- A ballerina A (500x638, 141Kb)

18-  Modele (490x700, 305Kb)

21- Nude-before-bed A A (474x700, 205Kb)

23- La robe rose (498x700, 149Kb)

19- Nude with pearl necklace (500x621, 220Kb)

24- The flower arrangement (500x632, 178Kb)

25-En hyde park (500x605, 205Kb).

출처 : 『좋은 사람들』
글쓴이 : 호rㄱr난천 원글보기
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